G-4 Four-Mirror Glass Gonio Lens – Optik Medikal

G-4 Four-Mirror Glass Gonio Lens

Primary Application:

The G-4 Four-Mirror Glass Gonio Lens is a standard gonio lens for static and dynamic gonioscopy that features four precisely angled mirrors providing a full 360° view of the anterior chamber. Order online today.

Features & Benefits:

  • Four precisely angled mirrors provide full 360° views of the anterior chamber.
  • All glass design provides superior clarity and durability compared to acrylic lenses.
  • Available in Flanged or No Flange (nf) contact options.
  • No Flange (nf) contact design does not require interface solution allowing quick eye contact, reducing patient discomfort and facilitating the examination.
  • No Flange version not rated for use with ophthalmic laser treatments.
  • Available in large or small ring design to suit dexterity & personal preference.
  • Available separately on a 2-position handle to suit personal preferences.

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